Are You a Tigger or an Eeyore?


Eeyore, from the old Winnie the Pooh children’s novels, is an old gray donkey who mopes about saying such bright and cheery things as, “We can’t all, and some of us don’t. That’s all there is to it,” and “When someone says ‘How-do-you-do’, just say you didn’t.” Tigger, on the other hand, is a spring-tailed ball of enthusiasm that is always bouncing about and throwing himself into life with gusto.

There are Christians that go about their lives as spiritual Eeyores.  Don’t do that!  These folks mope about with all the enthusiasm of a concrete block serving their risen King as if to seem spiritually burdened, but they really come across as spiritually lacking. Some may think I’m getting off on a tangent, thinking that if you are truly spiritual, you will be suffering… saying we are called to take on the attitude of Christ in suffering, right? Well, yes, that is correct, but let me ask you… what do you think is the attitude of Christ?

John related that Jesus told his disciples “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Friend, if you think your spiritual mope will make others want to come to embrace eternal life you are sadly mistaken. People want to be happy and seek joyful fulfillment in their lives. If they observe you, Christian, wrongly flogging yourself with pity, they will not want what you have. You might not have what Jesus wants for you. In His ministry He attracted crowds. There was something about Him that they wanted…the joy of living completely and totally for God.

Got joy?

Life Lesson: We should be passionate about our spiritual lives.

David McGee is the founder of Cross The Bridge Ministries as well as a pastor, teacher and author.  He may be contacted using the form here.

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