Category Archives: Esther

Faith, Wisdom and Boldness

WisdomWhen the founders of Hobby Lobby faced the choice of violating their deeply held beliefs or facing millions of dollars in fines, they were thrust into a lawsuit that could change history.

The book of Esther is an amazing book. Esther was also one of those individuals who was given power and placed in a role to change history. Sometimes, we think that following God means random acts of faith. While faith is crucial, we must also remember that we are called to be wise in our actions.

Esther has a hard message to take to the King, but rather than blurt it out at the wrong time, she is preparing herself and the king for the important conversation. People say, “I don’t have to use wisdom, I am using faith.” God gives us wisdom, creativity and intelligence to use. Esther used the wisdom, guided by faith, to bring about amazing results for the people of Israel.

Are you walking in wisdom? Do you consider all the options; make a plan of action for your life, ministry or family time? We all could be more like Esther, intentional in our actions and lead by God’s wisdom. Even today, let’s prepare ourselves for ministering to others and then step out with faith to get it done.

Life Lesson: When we walk in faith, wisdom and boldness, incredible things can happen.

While the ruling from the US Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby case is not expected until June, one thing is sure: boldly walking in faith and wisdom is definitely desirable for all of us.

David McGee is the founder of Cross The Bridge Ministries as well as a pastor, teacher and author.  He may be contacted using the form here.

What Controls You?

San Francisco entrepreneur Sam was so controlled by desires to live a millionaire lifestyle that he fraudulently raked in $31 million from investors with promises of incredibly high returns.

 What or who controls you?  Chances are that the person or thing that controls you is also the thing you worship. In our “enlightened” society we may not create idols of gold or silver but we still have 50 inch flat screens that we sit in front of for hours at a time. It may not be an object, it may be a person. Husband, wife, child or even a boyfriend or girlfriend could be elevated to the point of our worship. In short, anything we place above God in importance is an idol we are worshiping.

 In the book of Esther, Mordecai was commanded to worship Haman and yet he refused because he knew it was wrong. He was not going to allow himself to be controlled by an evil official. He knew what was right and therefore refused to worship anyone besides God. Friend, we can learn from Mordecai. If there is anything in your life that you may be worshipping, it’s time to stop. Ask the Lord to reveal to you any idols you may have created and seek God’s forgiveness and grace. He will gladly give it to you and help you to find the joy that comes from worshipping Him alone.

 Life Lesson: We are to worship, or be controlled by, God and God alone.

 Samuel Cohen’s life is now being controlled by officials at the Terminal Island Correctional Facility in Los Angeles, California. He’s scheduled to be released in November of 2029.

David McGee is the founder of Cross The Bridge Ministries as well as a pastor, teacher and author.  He may be contacted using the form below.


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Column #14-0302 (Life Lesson based on Esther 3:2 teaching)